Eine Auswahl an Badaccessoires und kosmetischen Artikeln, ordentlich arrangiert auf einem grauen Canvas-Hintergrund.

Development, Design & Distribution of Bathroom Accessories and Cosmetic Items

Our products are always up-to-date, fashionable, and in line with current trends.


Dive into the world of our bathroom accessories, cosmetic bags, cosmetic gift sets and accessories.

Soapland bietet Badaccessoires, Kulturtaschen und Kosmetikzubehörartikel
Firmensitz Soapland in Andernach bei Koblenz


For over 30 years, we have defined ourselves as an innovative and quality-conscious commercial partner.


The heart of Soapland are all our people who give their best every day.

Peter Füllenbach Geschäftsführer Produktdesign